D、When living in Rome, you should do what the Roman people do.我的答案:C4、【判断题】In western countries, eye contact is importan
A、1944B、1945C、1946D、1947我的答案:B4、【判断题】In history, there were 5 American presidents were killed.( )我的答案:X5、【判断题】New York S
3、【单选题】In 2013, the best seller in China was ( ).A、GMB、FordC、ToyotaD、Volkswagen我的答案:D4、【判断题】Henry Ford was the first man
D、21.9%我的答案:D2、【单选题】Why doesn't western scholars think Confucianism is religion?( )A、Because Confucianism does not
我的答案:X5、【判断题】American president can be elected for 3 terms.( )我的答案:X5.3Characteristics of the Constitution1、【单选题】The ame
A、SundayB、SaturdayC、FridayD、Monday我的答案:A2、【单选题】Which is not the reason why people are religious?( )A、Religion is inherit
C、1973D、1974我的答案:B3、【单选题】In ( ), the first humans walked on the moon.A、1967B、1968C、1969D、1970我的答案:C4.11The Panama Canal1
我的答案:C3、【单选题】Which statement of following is wrong?( )A、There were many cold conflicts in the cold war, such as weapon c
A、SpainB、the UKC、FranceD、Italy我的答案:A5、【判断题】Before America purchased it,Alaska was belong to Mexico.( )我的答案:X6、【判断题】The l
5、【判断题】China was not affected much by the GFC Recession.( )我的答案:√3.5A Hero and a Villain1、【单选题】The New York ma
我的答案:A3、【单选题】Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of ( ) of America.A、StateB、LawC、TreasuryD、War我的答案:C4、【单选题】The fi
3、【单选题】The UAS and ( ) is the major export markets of China.A、CanadaB、MexicoC、JapanD、South Korea我的答案:C4、【单选题】According t
D、America's land is less than China's, but water in America is more than China.我的答案:A2、【单选题】Which is not the m
英美文化概论2023章节测试答案_英美文化概论超星尔雅答案1.1Western Names1、【单选题】Bill is the short version of ( ).A、WilliamB、StevenC、RobertD、Richard我