邮轮旅游注意事项有哪些 告诉你3个注意事项(迪士尼邮轮小攻略 Travel)

专业人士告诉你 邮轮旅游真的有毒啊,一不小心就会上瘾

邮轮旅游注意事项有哪些 告诉你3个注意事项


邮轮旅游攻略 教你玩遍邮轮



迪士尼邮轮小攻略 Travel


We just finished our 4-day Disney cruise trip at the end of April 2022, here I am sharing the travel tips with anyone interested.


我们此次乘坐的邮轮叫梦想号,总体行程为4天3晚,海上航行大概如图所示。第一天下午从Port Carnaval出发,第二天停靠巴哈马小岛Nassau,第三天停靠迪士尼私属岛屿Castaway Cay, 第四天早晨返程Port Carnaval下船返回奥兰多。除此之外迪士尼还有很多去墨西哥或是阿拉斯加的邮轮线路,出发地和出航时间也有很多选择,具体信息参考官网: https://disneycruise.disney.go.com/, 此攻略仅适用于相同航线,仅供参考。

Above was the cruise line we took on the Disney Dream. The trip was 4-day-3-night: it departed from Port Carnaval, FL on the first day afternoon, stopped at Nassau, Bahama, and Castaway Cay on the second and third day, and then returned to the Port Carnaval on the early morning of the last day. There are many cruise line options you can choose from their website: https://disneycruise.disney.go.com/. You have the option to select the destination or duration. What I shared here is specifically for the Bahamian Dream Cruise, feel free to check out their website if you would like to learn more.


  1. 订票 Book the Trip



定好票后会收到一个8位数的订单号码,建议妥善保存,所有后续和行程相关的管理都需要用到此号码。强烈建议下载一个Disney Cruise Line 的APP, 上面会详细的介绍出行前有什么注意事项,同时online check-in和上船后的一切行程都可以在上面了解和操作,界面很可爱也很容易操作使用。online check-in 从出发前30天开始到出发前一天结束,需要上传相关证件图片和选择到港时间,必须在出行的前一天完成所有online check-in。

You can find all detailed stateroom and cruise line information on their website: Disney Cruise

Typically, there are three types of stateroom: The basic one faces inside with no window/balcony access, the intermediate one has balcony access with more room, and the luxury one has a bigger balcony and is more like a suite, which is designed for family or large groups of people. It is optional to buy the insurance offered by a third party to cover your trip. With insurance, if you cancel your trip before the departure day for whatever reason, you can get a 75% refund credit for the next reservation use. Otherwise, all your paid amount is non-refundable if you have to cancel the trip.

Once settled your payment, you will get a reservation number, which is critical for the trip management and all check-in-related stuff. I highly recommend downloading the Disney Cruise Line APP on your phone, where you can find all related before-, during-, and after-travel information, manage your schedule, finish online check-in, communicate with your party, and explore activities while on the ship.

Online check-in opens from 30 days to the night before sailing. As I mentioned before, you have to complete the check-in before the embarkation day on your APP, such as uploading travel documents and choosing arrival time.

2. 签证 Travel Document

因为涉及出国需要过海关,还需要有相应的再次返美的有效签证和护照。特别提醒,如果有签证过期的朋友担心无法坐邮轮,有一个automatic-revalidation的政策,只要你在特定区域出行时间小于30天,即使原有签证过期,也能顺利返美,具体请参考CBP官网:Automatic Revalidation。亲测有用,除了登船时检查相关证件(包括I20, I94)要繁琐耗时一些,其他没有任何影响,希望有因为担心签证问题而无法出行的朋友不要因此错过了很棒的体验。当然此经验只适用于F1签证,其他身份的同学请仔细阅读Disney cruise和CBP官网,确保自己可以顺利返航再预定行程。

Please remember to bring hard copies of all your required travel documents, including your passport or visa. Details of the required documents can be found on the Disney website or App. One hint for the F-1 student, if your visa expired before or during the trip, there is an official statement for Automatic Revalidation, which allows you to re-enter the US without any issue. You will need to prepare extra documents and go to a visa specialist while boarding if you are a foreigner. Besides that, the rest is so much fun. Overall, make sure you can pass the CBP without any issues before booking your trip.


  1. 出发去港口 Departure Day!

离Port Carnaval最近的大机场是MCO,从机场到港口大概车程1小时,可选择Disney提供的大巴$39一位需提前预定,也可以自驾,租车,Uber. 我们是从Orlando市区打Lyft去的港口,需要注意的是有一些司机会因为车程太远选择拒载,所以需要提前商量好,当然看个人决定是否加小费,我们觉得很幸运遇上比较好的愿意载我们的司机,所以也愿意给一定的小费作为补偿。需要注意的是Lyft和Uber时间不太稳定,加之按照流量计费,车源很少时加价价格会超级高,可以错开高峰期,或者是租车自驾保障行程,还车后组成公司有shuttle送到港口还是挺不错的选择。当然有当地居民直接开车来可以把车停在港口专属停车场,自己掌握主动权,很适合带超多行李和小孩儿的家庭。无论什么方式,如果从Orlando出发,请至少预留出2小时的路上时间。

Port Carnaval is one hour drive from the closest international airport MCO. There are several approaches to getting there. You can drive, take the Disney shuttle, Uber/Lyft, or rent a car to the port. Disney provides parking spots near the departure place; Disney shuttle is pre-reserved and costs $39 per person; Uber is roughly about $70 but please keep in mind that not every driver is willing to take you there so you may consider tipping the driver when someone is happy to do so; Rental car is about $89 per day and they offer free shuttles to and from the port. One thing to mention is that Uber can be super pricy during the rush hour and sometimes is not reliable. No matter which approach you choose, please consider the traffic and leave at least 2 hours from Orlando while heading to the port.

2. 登船前健康检测 Pre-embarking Health Screening

因为疫情原因,所有登船人员必须进行安全检测,保障大家安全。在online check-in前有一个需要表明covid状态的网站:Login - Safe Passage ,直接注册上传相关信息即可,可以是完全接种疫苗或是PCR检验阴性,check-in时需要填一个身体健康的问卷。上船前还需做一个快速的covid检测,在指定区域等待差不多20分钟后,你可以在电视屏幕上看见你的预定号,告诉你检测通过可以顺利登船,注册的email也会收到信息。整个流程都有专人指导,只需要跟随指示完成即可。

Due to COVID-19 safety concerns, everyone on the ship must pass the health screening. You will need to register an account and update the vaccine information on the Login - Safe Passage, fill in the health-screening survey during the online check-in. For whom is not fully vaccinated, you can upload a PCR test instead. Before embarking, you are also required to take a quick covid test. After waiting about 20mins, you will find your reservation number on the screen in the waiting room to tell if your part is clear to sail. You may also get the result from your registered email. Specific staff will guide you to finish all the procedures smoothly, just follow their steps and you are good to go.

3. 船上体验 On Board

船总共有14层,设施和大型邮轮一样,只是多了很多迪士尼自己的元素,细节满满。每一位工作人员都很友善,服务绝对是五星级的,房间和其他公共区域都很干净整洁。床很软很舒服,餐厅很好吃,歌剧表演很震撼,泳池很好泡,还有打篮球和打迷你高尔夫球的地方,没有任何一个我们觉得需要完善的地方,避免过多剧透,不做具体描述,可以自行体验。需要注意的是整个航行期间是没有网的,如有需求可以购买很贵的Wi-Fi。但是同行的人可通过上面提到的APP交流, APP上也会有活动表演提醒还可以订餐和服务,断网3天我们丝毫没有感到任何难受,毕竟有太多活动,实在无聊的话房间里的电视可以播放各种迪士尼电影,还有可以带本书在阳台上放空。需要提前和家人讲好计划,以免他们因联系不上而过度担心。个人感觉反倒是因为没有网,可以更加沉浸式地体验,觉得旅程更有意思更开心。

The cruise has 14 decks. Similar to any other commercial cruise, it is full of entertainment equipment. The customer services deserve a five star: crew members are friendly, room and common areas are clean, the bed is cozy and comfy, food is delicious, live shows are amazing, and the pools are relaxing. You can even find places for basketball and mini-golf. Every conner has Disney's original design and is full of details... Please keep in mind is your phone has no service and no free wifi can be accessed during the sail. You can buy WIFI for $99 per hour. It is a great opportunity for you to get rid of your phone and internet, but spend a great time with your family and friends. In case you get bored, bring an enjoyable book, or watch the Disney animation they provide on each stateroom TV. For communication, please stay close to each other, or use the App to chat with your group if needed. Overall, I am sure you will enjoy your internet-free relaxing time even if it is hard to imagine in your normal life.

4. 停靠当地体验 Off Board

  • Nassau


Nassau is a queen-dominated island belonging to Bahama. Maybe because we did not spend so much time exploring the island, we have a pretty average experience. The scenery is beautiful but the urban planning is a bit messy. Although our experience was biased, it should have some reason why many people consider it their dream tourist destination.

  • Castaway Cay

迪士尼的私人岛屿,沙滩非常干净海非常蓝,我之前觉得夏威夷的海就已经很好看了,这边的海感觉还要更美一些。海滩分为小孩家庭区域和仅成人区域,有配套的躺椅和大雨伞,属于先到先得,迪士尼邮轮会提供浴巾和午餐。如果是成人出游想要避开大魔王们,强烈推荐去较远的Serenity Bay,因为次区域只有成年人才能进入,人少又安静。下船后可步行前往想去的海滩,也可以搭乘区间车,也可以租自行车环岛,$13 一位,应该会是不错的体验。建议早下船,这样就能延长在小岛或是沙滩上的停留时间,非常闲适。

Disney private island is definitely the highlight of our trip. The scenery is too good to be true and even better than Hawaii based on my personal experience. The beach is separated into three areas and equipped with first come first serve benches and umbrellas. Disney also provides two free beach towels for each person. I highly recommend Serenity Bay if you are an adult party and want to avoid kids. The map is above, you can take the shuttle, walk, or rent a bicycle to each beach. It is also a great experience to ride along the island. Please arrange your time wisely so that you can have enough time to stay and enjoy the island.

其他注意事项 OTHERS

  1. 身体不适 Health Issue


Compare with small ships, a big cruise is much more comfortable when beating the waves. It is normal to feel a bit dizzy while onboard but will you get used to it soon. Seasick seldom happens but could happen due to the bad weather. Pack some motion pills in your luggage, or you can ask for some from customer service on the cruise if forget to do so. Pills plus relaxation will help you get rid of the discomfort soon.

2. 额外收费 Extra Charge


The amount you paid before the trip basically covers all your services on the ship, but it does not include the alcohol, reserved dining, spa, or extra shopping expense. You can select whatever extra service you like. Please keep in mind that they will charge $13.5 per day per person for tipping the staff who provide room and dining services. The crew members are stable and exclusive for you during the entire trip. They provide excellent services such as greeting you by name and remembering your preference. If you are very satisfied with one or many of the staff, you are welcome to tip extra to them. All the extra charge balance will go to your card on the debarkation day. The card is the one you linked with Disney App before the sail. If it is a Disney debit/credit card, you will get a 10% off if spent $50 or more in the gift shop.

写在最后 THE END


Like every Disney product, the Disney cruise line is full of surprise and magic, evoking our precious and crystal memory from childhood through their original design and welcoming customer service. The Micky Magic Kindom often reminds us of the beauty and happiness of being a child, even if we have been a grown-up for many years. Magic does exist if you keep believing it!

换个方式去旅行 海上的移动城堡,不一样的奢华度假体验



