

恐龙蛋化石是非常珍贵的古生物化石,最早于1869年发现于法国南部普罗旺斯的白垩纪地层中,由于在全世界范围内发现的恐龙蛋化石的数量不多。所见到的一般都是蛋的钙质外壳,极少发现保存有某种恐龙胚胎化石的蛋,很难判断所发现的蛋化石是由哪类恐龙产的。 在很长的一段时期内,有关恐龙蛋化石的研究工作并没有取得重要的进展。



英文翻译:Dinosaur egg fossils are the reproductive products of dinosaurs. The shape of fossil eggs is usually oval, a few for long oval, oval and olive shape dinosaur eggs in the most precious species is containing embryos of dinosaur eggs China is the world's dinosaur egg fossils buried unusually rich country, no matter in variety, or number, has attracted the attention of the world. Henan Nanyang, Guangdong Nanxiong, Shixing, Huizhou, Heyuan, Jiangxi Xinfeng, Ganzhou, Shandong Laiyang, Sichuan, Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu Yixing, Hubei Yunxian and other places are important dinosaur egg fossil origin.

two lines of fossilized dinosaur eggs

Dinosaur egg fossils are very precious paleontological fossils, the earliest found in 1869 in the Cretaceous strata of Provence in southern France, because the number of dinosaur egg fossils found in the world is not much. What is seen is generally the calcium shell of the egg, and it is rare to find eggs containing some kind of dinosaur embryo fossil, so it is difficult to determine which kind of dinosaur produced the egg fossil. Therefore, for a long period of time, the study of dinosaur egg fossils did not make important progress.

Scientific research personnel to the guangdong south China after study of dinosaur eggs that male basin in late cretaceous last 20 ~ 300000, the southern male "mutation" dinosaurs living environment and serious pollution of dry climate, and trace elements, the microelement such as manganese, zinc, strontium with insufficient or too much, affecting the normal development of the dinosaur eggshell and formed the pathological shell structure, So the eggs didn't hatch properly, which ultimately led to the extinction of dinosaurs. Their analysis of fossilized dinosaur eggs using scanning nuclear probes confirmed the new theory. Paleontologists also believe that for some reason, dinosaur eggs could not hatch or only a few eggs could hatch, so that more and more dinosaur eggs were preserved in the strata as fossils, and fewer and fewer dinosaurs, ultimately leading to the extinction of dinosaurs. In the past, theories about the extinction of dinosaurs have included climate change, arsenic poisoning, competitive failure, parthenogenesis and, most popular, meteorite impact. These new theories have aroused great interest of the world's geological paleontologists.



