
欧洲疫情动态追踪 3月13日 西班牙进入国家紧急状态 欧洲五大联赛全部停摆



欧洲疫情动态追踪 3月27日 确诊病例数超30万 英国首相也 中招




Chinese friends often ask, in summer and winter, our jet lag seems to be different, what is the reason why this? The main reason is that there are two kinds of time in Europe: daylight saving time and winter saving time. The most direct reason for this method is that the daylight hours in winter and summer are different, so time should be more precise.


夏令时是为了利用季节性的日光,而在春季开始提前一个小时的作息方法。此方法在全欧洲除冰岛外的所有国家实行(冰岛全年实行格林尼治时间)。在欧盟国家和其他一些非欧盟国家中,此方法实行时期从每年三月份的最后一个周日1:00(格林威治时间)开始,至十月份最后一个周日 1:00(格林威治时间)结束。

Daylight saving time is a way to take advantage of the seasonal sunlight and start living an hour earlier in spring. This method is applied in all countries in Europe except Iceland (which applies Greenwich Mean Time throughout the year). In the European Union and some other non-european countries, the practice begins at 1:00 Greenwich Mean Time on the last Sunday of March and ends at 1:00 Greenwich Mean Time on the last Sunday of October.



In 1986, the European Union adopted the summer-winter double-time system, but there were some differences in the practice of the member states. Currently, most countries are based on the Berlin meridian, with Greenwich Mean Time + 1 in winter and Greenwich Mean Time + 2 in summer.


For example, people living in low latitudes often find it hard to tell the difference between winter and summer. In addition to differences in temperature, in the high latitudes there are also huge differences in the length of daylight hours. Near the equator there’re twelve hours of daylight and twelve hours of night, both summer and winter: residents may be bored by the constant hours of sunrise and sunset, although they can enjoy the warmth all year long.




In high-latitude countries, things are different. After winter, it’s dark from three or four in the afternoon, and in summer the situation is completely opposite.

The daylight saving time comes about because of the difference in daylight hours between winter and summer. Winter is the standard time in Europe. Most countries, for example, get up at seven in the morning and set at five in the evening. In the summer, it’s five in the morning and seven at night. But because people are used to getting up around six in the morning, the hour before waking up is often wasted.



So in the summer, people set the clock back an hour to enjoy the most of the sun and of the day. In this way, 5:00 in the morning and 7:00 in the evening change to 6:00 in the morning and 8:00 in the evening: so the time stolen in the morning is returned to the evening. Surely even Chinese people - especially in the north - would be happy to set the clock back an hour to enjoy the daylight.



The benefits are evident, for example, it will be easier to enjoy summer evenings. In summer, when it gets dark, people are more willing to go out for shopping, sports, dinner, and dating. Besides, because the time of day is more profitably used, so the time of turning on the lights at night is shortened, saving a lot of resources. In fact, in Europe, energy saving was also one of the first reasons why daylight saving time was introduced.


Most European countries use winter and summertime conversion, which occurs when winter or summer is approaching. The switching point from winter time to daylight saving time is the last Sunday in March, while the switching point from daylight saving time to winter time is the last Sunday in October. This year, daylight saving time has shifted between Saturday, March 27, and 02:00, March 28, between Saturday and Sunday night. The time difference between Italy and China is now six hours instead of seven.



The time switch has been going on in Europe for nearly 40 years, so don’t forget to set your timekeeper tools on March 28th, otherwise, this could affect your work or school time.



The European Union had previously conducted an online poll on the issue in 2018. More than 80 percent of the 4.6 million Europeans who took part in the poll want to abolish the time change between summer and winter. The transport sector and the logistics industry have been most affected by the changes. In addition, Power grids around the world now have plenty of power during the day, while at night the grid is very idle, so time-change is of little practical significance.


What do you think about daylight saving time and winter saving time? Those of you who will come to Italy to study must absolutely remember this thing!




