文化典籍Do you think you can do it by yourself?Do you think you can do it by yourself?正确答案:你认为你自己可以单独干完这件事吗?★《布宫号》提醒您:民俗信仰仅供参考,请勿过度迷信!本文经用户投稿或网站收集转载,如有侵权请联系本站。发表评论您必须登录才能评论哦~0条回复聚合阅读Do you think you can do it by yourself?0评论Each year some of his money is given to the best scientists and writers of the world.0评论Don’t you mind my opening the window?0评论Every student has free access to all the sources in the library.0评论Everyone was in bed except me.0评论Fewer high school students are smoking now than a few years ago.0评论Fires may do more damage than the earthquakes(地震).0评论Fred was such a hardworking student that he soon came out first in the class.0评论Have you seen Tom recently?0评论From the East Coast to the West Coast it is about 3, 000 miles wide.0评论
文化典籍Do you think you can do it by yourself?Do you think you can do it by yourself?正确答案:你认为你自己可以单独干完这件事吗?★《布宫号》提醒您:民俗信仰仅供参考,请勿过度迷信!本文经用户投稿或网站收集转载,如有侵权请联系本站。