文化典籍The question is too difficult to answer.The question is too difficult to answer.正确答案:这个问题太难回答。★《布宫号》提醒您:民俗信仰仅供参考,请勿过度迷信!本文经用户投稿或网站收集转载,如有侵权请联系本站。发表评论您必须登录才能评论哦~0条回复聚合阅读The question is too difficult to answer.0评论The school plans games and matches for its students.0评论The students are encouraged to do more listening, reading and writing by their teacher.0评论The teacher came earlier than expected(预期).0评论The traffic jams during morning and afternoon rush hours are a headache in big cities now.0评论The White House is more than a home; it has offices for the President.0评论Their parents don’t know them as well as their friends do.0评论There is a large amount of energy wasted due to friction(摩擦).0评论There’s a party at my house this Friday.0评论There is only some old furniture in the room.0评论
文化典籍The question is too difficult to answer.The question is too difficult to answer.正确答案:这个问题太难回答。★《布宫号》提醒您:民俗信仰仅供参考,请勿过度迷信!本文经用户投稿或网站收集转载,如有侵权请联系本站。