文化典籍桌上有一支笔。桌上有一支笔。正确答案:There is a pen on the desk.★《布宫号》提醒您:民俗信仰仅供参考,请勿过度迷信!本文经用户投稿或网站收集转载,如有侵权请联系本站。发表评论您必须登录才能评论哦~0条回复聚合阅读桌上有一支笔。0评论众所周知,钻石是最坚硬的物质。0评论自从公司迁到这个地区以来,已有十几台电脑被窃,公司决定采取措施制止偷窃。0评论作为金牌获得者,她在火车站受到了热烈的欢迎。0评论作为志愿者,她利用业余时间在社区教英语。0评论Cathy, this is Mike. I () because I am going to meet some guests at the airport. SoI will not have lunch. That’s OK. I will wait0评论At the end of 2004, there were around 6,000 foreign printing companies in China, () uparound 4 percent of national total.0评论It is said that you’ve moved to your new campus. Do you have a big library? No, we don’t. At least () yours.0评论Generally speaking, clothing made of manmade fibers is less superior than () made ofnatural fibers like cotton, wool or silk.0评论The hurricane left, () the ruins to this area. 0评论
文化典籍桌上有一支笔。桌上有一支笔。正确答案:There is a pen on the desk.★《布宫号》提醒您:民俗信仰仅供参考,请勿过度迷信!本文经用户投稿或网站收集转载,如有侵权请联系本站。