文化典籍能帮我叫辆出租车吗?能帮我叫辆出租车吗?正确答案:Could you call a taxi for me?★《布宫号》提醒您:民俗信仰仅供参考,请勿过度迷信!本文经用户投稿或网站收集转载,如有侵权请联系本站。发表评论您必须登录才能评论哦~0条回复聚合阅读能帮我叫辆出租车吗?0评论火车终于到达北京了。0评论We have made little progress.0评论Try hard or you’ll fail the test.0评论This TV channel has too many commercials.0评论Students can study by themselves through school network.0评论MR. Lin assigned too much homework today.0评论My problem is that I don’t have much time to do the work.0评论Let’s try something different.0评论Jane moved to New York at the end of last month.0评论
文化典籍能帮我叫辆出租车吗?能帮我叫辆出租车吗?正确答案:Could you call a taxi for me?★《布宫号》提醒您:民俗信仰仅供参考,请勿过度迷信!本文经用户投稿或网站收集转载,如有侵权请联系本站。