文化典籍This one’s pretty, but it costs too much.This one’s pretty, but it costs too much.正确答案:这个很漂亮,但是很贵。★《布宫号》提醒您:民俗信仰仅供参考,请勿过度迷信!本文经用户投稿或网站收集转载,如有侵权请联系本站。发表评论您必须登录才能评论哦~0条回复聚合阅读This one’s pretty, but it costs too much.0评论The doctor said there was nothing wrong with his eyes.0评论The best time to read English is in the morning.0评论The cause of the fire was carelessness.0评论Our library is as big as theirs.0评论Stay here before I get back.0评论My idea is that this experiment should be stopped.0评论Jim will go to his teacher whenever he has questions.0评论Many changes are taking place in the United States.0评论Jenny is fond of reading and often borrows books from the city library.0评论
文化典籍This one’s pretty, but it costs too much.This one’s pretty, but it costs too much.正确答案:这个很漂亮,但是很贵。★《布宫号》提醒您:民俗信仰仅供参考,请勿过度迷信!本文经用户投稿或网站收集转载,如有侵权请联系本站。