
为什么! 吓死我了! 刚遇到灵异事件!发生在上海展云宿舍
我今天白天睡了一整天! 晚上醒来! 吃点东西吧! 躺在床上玩手机! 移动数据没了! 所以我打算十二点以后玩(昨天31号12点之后排名第一)所以一直等到十二点才终于有流量! 我很高兴下载一些软件和歌曲! 开始访问论坛! 不小心看到了半夜不能进的帖子! 出于好奇,我点击进入[Atheistlikemedon’tbelievethose?〕
What is written inside is a horrible and mysterious story of the owner of the post, because it is too long to tell! At the end of the post, a paragraph was written: "If you watched at twelve o'clock if you were disobedient, the horror would happen to you..."
After reading it, it was really scary. I thought about it for a while! Wandered around the space. It's almost three o'clock! So I plan to sleep! When I was in a semi-sleep state, it seemed that someone was talking to me and I don’t remember anything! I think maybe I'm too sleepy and I just ignore it and continue to sleep!
Finally fell asleep! I fell asleep and felt that the gui in the post was talking to me! I'm so scared! I wanted to put my head in the quilt but found myself unable to move! I opened my eyes hard! But I can't open it no matter what! I can't call it if I want to! In the horrible back, I suddenly saw someone climbed onto my bed and lifted my quilt! Bring your head close to my head and blow my ears with your mouth! It's blowing, I'm cool and whoosh! The chill is so close to my heart that I'm about to collapse! I tried to break free with my whole body strength, but I felt that my body was no longer mine! Then the "person" stopped blowing my ears! I feel like he moved my bed here to where the window is! Slowly approach the window, Damn! I thought I was going to die! Suddenly my hands trembled and found that my bed had returned to its original position! I sighed deeply in my heart! Thought it was over! If yes, it's not over, I want to cover the quilt he just opened for me! Oh my god, I still can't move! I'm in a hurry again! at this time! I found that man is coming again! He came to my bed, looked at me and then looked at my legs! Then pierced my knee with a needle! I can feel a needle sticking in it hurts! Then he pulled out the needle! Dive in again! It's pierced very deeply, it seems to be stuck in the bones! I can feel the pain! I can't stand the pain anymore! I yelled! I found myself ready to move!
I slept peacefully in bed! As if nothing happened! Just a cold sweat! The quilt is also well covered!
Is it evil? so horrible! It just happened! I dare not sleep anymore! That's why I wrote it down!
so horrible! A horrible post! What's even more frightening is that the address of the post just now is not in the access history of my phone at all! (I want to calm down!)
Note that everyone sees this post after twelve o'clock, don't just enter it when you are curious! You will regret it!
The above content is definitely not fictitious! Who wants to write a log in the early morning! It should be dawn soon! I can sleep at ease!
Author's message: real events



