4、【判断题】原文:吸引外资是中国改革开放基本国策的重要组成部分。20多年来,随着改革开放逐步深化,中国利用外资的规模和质量不断扩大和提高。译文:Indirect investment absorption constitutes an important component of China’s basic state policy of reform and opening up. As the reform and opening up going into depth over the past two decades and more, China has been constantly improving its foreign investment utilization in terms of scale and quality.
5、【判断题】原文:加入世贸组织,是中国社会主义市场经济发展的要求,也顺应了世界经济发展的客观趋势,必将为世界各国和地区同中国开展经济贸易合作提供前所未有的机遇。译文:Joining the WTO is a requirement of China’s development of its socialist market economy, which also complies with the objective trend of the world economic progress, and it will bring about unpreceente opportunities to the economic and trae cooperation between China and other countries and regions in the world.
1、【判断题】原文:孩子是上天送给成人的天使;宠物是成人送给孩子的天使。译文:For the adults, kids are the angels sent by God. For the kids, pets are the angels given by the adults.
2、【判断题】原文:他不是一个说大话的人。他似乎完全生活在一个人的世界里。 我记得,在他和我们共事的那段日子里,我们中没有人能确切地知道他是谁, 来自何方,或者在寻求什么;之后他便消失了。译文:He wasn’t guy of big words, and he seemed to live entirely in his own world. I remember that during the days he worked with us none of us exactly knew he was, where he came from or what he was looking for, and afterwards he disppeared.
3、【判断题】原文:自头一次见到他起,他便总是出现在我的周围。每次他向我投以微笑时,他同时也将一丝丝的温暖和友情送入我的心房。我想每一天结束时,一定是他给了我无论如何也要继续下去的力量。译文:Since I first saw him, he had always been around, and every time he gave me one of those smiles, he would spread a bit of warmth into my heart, a bit of friendliness. I guess, at the end of the day it must have been him who gave me the strength to go on somehow, just by being here.
4、【判断题】原文:He died only a year after he started working with us. It was a car accident and he didn’t have to suffer very long. His mother told me that he had lost his family just the year before and after that he didn’t speak any more. He hadn’t said a single word.译文:他与我们共事一年后便去世了。那是一次没有让他受苦痛的车祸夺走了他的生命。他妈妈告诉我说,就在一年前他失去了家庭,从此便没有开口说过话,再也没有说过一个字。