13、The following paragraph is incomplete. Choose the best sentence to make it complete. 选择合适的句子,完成段落。
There are a lot of terms used to describe computers. Most of these words imply the size, expected use or capability of the computer. ___. The most familiar type of microprocessor is the personal computer (PC). It is designed for general use by a single person. Another purpose for using a microprocessor is as a workstation. The computers used for this purpose have a more powerful processor, additional memory and enhanced capabilities for performing a special group of task, such as 3D Graphics or game development. A computer can also be used as a server. Servers usually have powerful processors, lots of memory and large hard drives. A fourth one, a main frame is the heart of a network of computers or terminals which allows hundreds of people to work at the same time on the same data.
A:The process a computer works involves several steps that call for our attention.
B:The impact of computer on modern society is beyond what we expect.
C:Computers can be divided into several types according to the purpose they are used for and their capabilities.
14、①Adversity can overwhelm the weak, and can also create a strong man. ②Fighting with difficulties in adversity can temper the will, strengthen perseverance and cultivate noble character. ③The reason why pine trees stand proudly under the storm is because they grow up in the fight with the storm and the thunder. ④The flowers in the greenhouse are so delicate that they have never experienced the wind and the frost or the test of rain and snow.A:Sentence③ and④offer one detailed example
B:Sentence③ and④offer two parallel examples
C:Sentence ③ and ④ offer two oppositional examples
15、What is the cause in the following paragraph: The arrangement of the workplace is important primarily because it significantly influence social interaction. Employee’s work locations, therefore, are likely to influence the information to which they are exposed and their inclusion and exclusion from various activities and events withing the organization.
A:social interaction
B:employee’s work locations
C:the information to which they are exposed
D:their inclusion and exclusion from various activities and events withing the organization.