
A. Sorry. I think you've misunderstood me.

B. That's not quite what I mean.

C. No, you don't understand me.

D. Don't get me wrong. I mean...

4【判断题】 (10分)B

You should speak perfect English in order to better express your ideA.

A. 对

B. 错

5.【单选题】 (10分)D

In which sentence, you cannot find a synonym(同义词) of the word in red?

A. Taking the time to prepare for a test is a sensible, prudent decision.

B. During a drought, plants that are indigenous to the area typically do better than non-native plants.

C. There is a drawback, a disadvantage, to that ideA.

D. Although I prefer the calmer rides at amusement parks, the rest of my family loves the formidable ones.

6.【单选题】 (10分)D

Find the correct nasals in each word and write them down in the blanks.

1. comb ________

2. ban ________

3. sing ________

A. /ŋ/ /n/ /m/

B. /n/ /ŋ//m/

C. /m//ŋ/ /n/

D. /m/ /n/ /ŋ/

7【判断题】 (10分)B

When you work independently, you're limited to your own ideas and experiences. When you work in a group, you kind of stand on the shoulders of the collective and hence are able to do it better.

A. 错

B. 对

8【多选题】 (10分)BD

Your opinion: These meetings are a waste of time.

You say: These meetings don't tend to be particular useful.

You have used the strategies _____ to be more polite.

A. No.2 Reduce the strength of what you say, e.g. extremely - rather.

B. No. 4 Use general and cautious language, e.g. on the whole, in general, tend to, might, etC.

C. No.3 Turn a statement into a question.

D. No. 1 Avoid negative adjectives by using a negative verb with a positive adjective.

9【多选题】 (10分)BCD

Your opinion: Our performance was poor.

You say: Would you agree that on the whole, our performance wasn't very good?

You have used the strategies _____ to be more polite.

A. No.2 Reduce the strength of what you say, e.g. extremely - rather.

B. No.3 Turn a statement into a question.

C. No. 4 Use general and cautious language, e.g. on the whole, in general, tend to, might, etC.

D. No. 1 Avoid negative adjectives by using a negative verb with a positive adjective.

10【判断题】 (10分)B

Using negative adjectives will be more polite than using a negative verb with a positive adjective.

A. 对

B. 错


1【多选题】 (10分)AB



