
10、The man manages his money by the following means EXCEPT ( ).

A:putting money away

B:buying insurances

C:controlling the spending

D:sticking to his budget

答案: 【

buying insurances

11、What does the man suggest the woman to do in the end of the conversation?

A:To make a good plan.

B:To invest her money.

C:To work in a foreign company.

D:To change the way she spends money.

答案: 【

To change the way she spends money.

12、Listen to the passage 'How Pensions Work in the United States' and answer Questions 12-15.

A pension is an income payable after a worker ( ).

A:is tired

B:is hired


D:is fired

答案: 【


13、Pensions can also be paid out earlier if ( ).

A:a worker gets fired

B:a worker becomes disabled

C:a worker becomes ill

D:a worker has an accident

答案: 【

a worker becomes disabled

14、About 90 percent of all U.S. workers are covered for retirement and disability under ( ).

A:life insurance

B:social security

C:social aid

D:pension plans

答案: 【

social security

15、Modern retirement plans come in two general forms:a ( ) plan and a ( ) plan.




D:defined-benefit, defined-contribution

答案: 【

defined-benefit, defined-contribution

第六章 单元测试

1、The Roman system of topic outline generally use a system of Roman numerals, Arabic numbers, and letters to show relationships.( )



答案: 对

2、The decimal system of outline form shows the relationship between ideas by means of a decimal rank to each idea. ( )



答案: 对

3、The two types of topic outline form are( ).

A:The decimal system.

B:The Roman system.

C:The Greek system.

D:The Arabic system.

答案: 【

The decimal system.

The Roman system.

4、Which of the following statementsare are true about outlining? ( )

A:Outlining is a method of classifying and organizing a list of key points.

B:It shows the relationship between the main idea and the supporting details.

C:It is also a skill that will help you summarize the main idea.

D:Simplified forms of outlining should not be used in our listening practice.



