关于“中国十大灵异事件,鬼怪和吸血鬼无处不在/灵异事件诡异莫名 ”的故事


虽然今天的技术非常先进,但仍有一些事情是科学无法解决的。 我们称他们为超自然事件. 世界上没有惊喜。 这样的事件在中国很多,比如香港北区茶餐厅的灵异事件,还有北京的事件。紫禁城的灵异事件已经有很多报道了。 今天,小编总结了中国十大恐怖事件。 它们没有按特定顺序和时间顺序列出。




1956年,上海发生了一起极其惨痛的命案。 林家寨37号屋主叶显国残忍杀害妻女。 不仅如此,他还将尸体藏了起来,导致林家寨37号灵异事件频频发生,连当时的警察都吓坏了! 直到最后警察抓到他,才发现叶显国脑子里没有脑组织。 真是个没脑子的人! 一个没有脑组织的人根本就不是人类的概念,叶显国到底是什么……【查看详情】



当时,彭嘉木率领探险队寻找古城遗迹,但他们在这里遇到的却是绝密。 彭嘉木当时保留了植物标本,但后来连带植物的人都不见了。 国家派出四架飞机、车辆和大量人员,寻找彭加木的踪迹。 事实上,探险队还发现了一块双鱼座翡翠坠饰。 据说这个双鱼座的玉佩可以复制生灵。 一条鱼可以复制成两条鱼,一个人可以复制成两个人。 彭佳木在这件怪事中神秘失踪,彭佳木也不见了踪影。 谜底也与此有关……【查看详情】



紫禁城一直是一个神秘的地方,紫禁城中发生的灵异事件数不胜数。 1992年的一天,天气非常阴沉,好像要下雨了。 参观故宫的游客们急忙寻找避雨的地方。 雷声响起,吱吱作响,就在这时,在紫禁城的红墙边,游客竟然发现了几位穿着古装行走的宫女! 几个游客吓坏了,腿都吓坏了,其中一个还挺勇敢的。 人们用相机拍下了几位宫女……[View Details]



据传,制作这部电影的导演是第一个发现这个广告很奇怪的人。 广告播出一段时间后,导演重新观看原片中广九铁路的广告,发现画面诡异。 ,导演只邀请了7个孩子,却出现了9个。 一个场景中,一个小女孩的脸似乎在流血,眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴上都布满了血迹,仿佛七窍在流血。 不久之后,他肩负的孩子就莫名其妙地死去了……[ViewDetails】

five,The 1995 Chengdu Zombie Incident

China's top ten supernatural events, ghosts and vampires are everywhere / supernatural events are weird and unexplainable

The terrible Chengdu zombie incident occurred in 1995. It is rumored that archaeologists dug up three zombies and disappeared mysteriously, and finally appeared in people’s lives and biting humans everywhere! At that time, Chengdu was engaged in urban development, pushing old houses in the city. Drop it, and build a high-rise building! Three coffins were dug during the construction. The three coffins were loaded with three Qing zombies. That night, the three zombies that had just been found disappeared. And just a few days after they disappeared, five more zombies appeared in Chengdu, including these three. They have sharp teeth and bite at the sight of people. Some people bitten by zombies died on the spot, while others became zombies just like them. They also bite when they see people...【View Details】

six,The 1995 Shanghai Pudong Vampire Incident

China's top ten supernatural events, ghosts and vampires are everywhere / supernatural events are weird and unexplainable

Among all the supernatural incidents in Shanghai, the Pudong vampire incident was the one that scared children the most. Around 1995, you can see that none of the local school children were alone, because there was a rumor that there was a vampire in red. The old woman specializes in sucking the blood of single girls. Now that the Shanghai vampire incident has been circulated except for two versions, it is likely that they are all stories fabricated based on the most terrible rabies at the time...[View Details]





